My wonderful readers, I fear that in my absence, I may have lost my voice a bit. Please, rest assured, that I don't just think you're a part of my life that I can just walk in and out of like a grocery store on "free sample day." In fact, as I work to ready myself mentally for the next big trip, and the 5 days of stressful preparation that remain before our latest grand departure, it's among the highest of my concerns that your interest is still intact.
So as I expect your all a bit irked about me floating in and out of the lofty responsibility I have claimed, being the outlining and "narritive-isation" (I know that word isn't technically real, relax) of my life as it pertains to the vague yet prophetic notion of "the american dream," and me and my comrade's great journey, struggle, and observations along the way- since I can understand your feelings of cyber-abandonment, I think it is necessary to preface the sudden burst of activity that will be taking place on "TLGaJ" blog hence forth, with a posting that will bring you up to speed on life in milwaukee the past 2 months or so (because lets face it, I'm sure you're all immensely concerned).
So where exactly did I leave off with you fine folks? I believe I was cash-lessly struggling to find a restaurant job because my adventures in Austin Texas drained me of my last 300 bucks (from the initial 1100 I had began traveling with- not too bad). I returned to Milwaukee dreading the idea of going back to the kitchen, and after an interview with Trocadero, they confirmed that I would have a place in their kitchen upon re-opening the restaurant several weeks later. I had several weeks to kill, and luckily for me, The Great B.O. (Brian, my traveling buddy through N.C. and Florida and MN ETC.) had been detailing cars for longer than he liked, so he came to me offering to pick me up from Milwaukee the next day, with 300 bucks and his new ACCORD that was great on gas. We had our fun from N.M. to Vegas, and this whole extent was detailed in the last post I put up (if you care to read about it).
After we had our fun, and inevitably drained what we had left for money in Vegas, I decided it would be best for me to get back to Milwaukee so I wouldn't miss my cooking opportunity in the kitchen of Trocadero for there re-opening (after all, I needed to put a few checks together if I was expecting to head back on the road during the rapidly approaching summer). The Great B.O. on the other hand, wanted to try his hand at making it out in Vegas, and inevitably trying to pursue one of his many life dreams, which is becoming a professional poker player. He got someone to float him a hundred bucks for cheap food, and to print out some resume's, and he was determined to pound the pavement looking for ANY job at all that would get him started.
After he and I had been living on the road via backpack and tent, living out of the ACCORD was practically like a mansion. It somehow relieved the essential lack of placement a person struggles with when essentially living homeless by choice, and it gives a person a safe comfortable place they can call home, and retreat to when the world just really seems to have it out for you. B.O. made it for nearly a month trying his hardest to find a job, and after a lead he had in working for a car lot turned him down after several interviews, he decided to go back to Minnesota to make some cash detailing cars again.
His efforts certainly weren't fruitless, (at least by standards of virtue, and growth) however, it proved to have been a difficult endeavor for many other people in his life to accept or appreciate as an experience that was fundamentally changing his perspectives on life and it's meaning. We have both lent a certain amount of sophomoric futility to the ambition of our journey thus forth, often times purely because of how difficult it is sometimes, for us to appreciate this personal growth, when in the presence of so many that can't appreciate the- "Not all who wander are lost," point of view. I think this is something that in our departure this Tuesday, we must either work to overcome, or come to terms with.
Anyhow, The Great B.O. went back to Minnesota to detail cars after almost a month in the accord on his own. OF COURSE, routine J.U.I.C.E. sessions took place via conference call, but really, a month of being on your own, and living in an ACCORD in an unknown city, must have been similar to the voluntary solitary confinement of a monk (except it was a month, not years... Ok maybe not that similar but still, tough).
MEANWHILE, IN MILWAUKEE, I was a week away from starting my cooking job, and although I am quite passionate about cooking, I was sincerely bummed to have to get back in the kitchen after only 7 months of traveling. After being an unproductive, depressed, baby for a week- I decided I needed to use my time in Milwaukee to really be productive in my visual arts practice, especially since it was so difficult to keep up with when traveling constantly (asides from photography). I was living in my girlfriend Chassy's apartment in Riverwest, and via CRAIGSLIST (of course!!), I found that there was an open call for artists that was happening at the "Pritzlaff Building," a wonderful warehouse space that had been known to often times host art shows. They were looking for artists to show in their next exhibitions, and mentioned it could be an on going opportunity. I studied the rhetoric of the Craigslist Posting many times (a skill that has strangely, really gotten me allot of opportunities), and after determining that the general demeanor of the post was reflective of a prominent opportunity, and of a clearly professional nature, I immediately began a strategized (seriously spell-check? that's not a word either?! I'm done living by your rules) a STRATEGIZED review of photos, resume's, bio's, and artists statements, in order to put together a comprehensive artist's packet that I could be confident in.
I showed up looking quite suave, and buried any nervousness I had, deep into my suddenly rigid posture. I was ready to impress, and prepared to throw down- but I had no idea for what I was really in for. I was about to meet one of two characters that would have an immense impact on my time in Milwaukee, and I suspect, my story over-all. "MAYOR KEN," and "PONOS OF THE NORTH," A.K.A. Aaron, will have extensive character profiles that are coming soon, but in the meantime, I will assure you with honesty that their role in this brief outline is tragically understated.
I entered the Pritzlaff building, and met Mayor Ken, who was more than cordial. We talked avidly about my portfolio, and began to touch briefly on our diverse backgrounds. He was completely excited about all of my works, and especially appreciated the importance I put in the process and concept of my work. I was spinning with excitement to see that someone was actually showing interest in some of my more "gallery challenging" conceptual work, and was interested in showing diverse mediums such as video installation, or performance art as well. As we got to talking and feeding off of each others energy, I mentioned my restaurant job that would be starting in a few days. Ken, having come to Milwaukee after completing his culinary degree in NYC- was quite understanding of the dilemma between my studio practice, and the enduring hours of the restaurant business.
To make a long story short, Ken expanded on all of the things they had going on recently with their gallery, as well as their design firm, "iNViDiA Design," and I quickly began to express an interest in contributing my efforts to both aspects of their partnership. Ken said he would talk to his partner, and call me back the next day, and the next thing I heard from them, was that they wanted to meet me for lunch to discuss some options. Although this whole process wasn't so cut and dry- they decided to hire me for both of their endeavors, and brought me in on ground level of their business. I found a position with them that expanded my horizons personally, professionally, and artistically, and it turned out that leaving Milwaukee would be much harder than I thought.
In my short time here, I landed a job in a design firm, got to organize art shows, showed in several venues with all sorts of new work that I made, including a few paintings, sculptures, a video installation, and a 2 minute short that screened at the "FIRESTARTER FILM FESTIVAL!" I tried out for a commercial for Pottawatomie Casino, landed the role, AND made 400 bucks out of it, I successfully SOLD a piece of art (my work is generally, quite unappealing to the art collector, so that was a small victory), I wrote 2 comprehensive proposals that were BOTH accepted- one for "The 2010 Milwaukee Performance Art Showcase," a performance piece I am VERY excited about, AND, one for the first actual implementation of "The Cell Phone Photo Gallery," my very first debut in the role of curator, and within a self constructed/designed gallery layout...
Within this entirely massive mess of productivity, I didn't end up writing a damn thing though- I am just now, FINALLY getting back in touch with the initial beginning's of the in process manuscript for the novel, and my initial winter efforts to get some sort of writing job where I could make some money while traveling, are at this point, completely abandoned. Oh, AND I got myself a ticket for "Public Indecency," because I peed in the alley when I was drunk. In the end, I couldn't do it all, but I am more than pleased with what I did accomplish here in my brief Milwaukee stay.
You'll be happy to know, that I did manage to photograph the shit out of just about everything along the way, so here are some random pics that I pulled out from my wonderful time here in Milwaukee. Thanks so much to everyone who has been supportive of my efforts, and F it, to those who haven't as well- I feel like the happiest person in the world, and I can't wait to head West this Tuesday. I will be trying to keep up with a 3 times a week pace on the blog, maybe even more.
Keep following, and I will begin filling in ASAP on some of the MANY stresses that are coming along with our latest departure, our newest crew of 3, and our new home, the Le Sabre. Me and B.O. are hip to the difficulties of doing this by now, but it should be worth following how the ever so cute Chastaine Tallon adapts to life on the road. Enjoy the pics, and keep checking back with me!
Until We Meet Again...
Joseph R. Reeves
PLEASE take the single minute to click on the FOLLOW option on the top right of the page, it means allot to know who's listening- NOT the facebook one, the OTHER one :)
His efforts certainly weren't fruitless, (at least by standards of virtue, and growth) however, it proved to have been a difficult endeavor for many other people in his life to accept or appreciate as an experience that was fundamentally changing his perspectives on life and it's meaning. We have both lent a certain amount of sophomoric futility to the ambition of our journey thus forth, often times purely because of how difficult it is sometimes, for us to appreciate this personal growth, when in the presence of so many that can't appreciate the- "Not all who wander are lost," point of view. I think this is something that in our departure this Tuesday, we must either work to overcome, or come to terms with.
Anyhow, The Great B.O. went back to Minnesota to detail cars after almost a month in the accord on his own. OF COURSE, routine J.U.I.C.E. sessions took place via conference call, but really, a month of being on your own, and living in an ACCORD in an unknown city, must have been similar to the voluntary solitary confinement of a monk (except it was a month, not years... Ok maybe not that similar but still, tough).
MEANWHILE, IN MILWAUKEE, I was a week away from starting my cooking job, and although I am quite passionate about cooking, I was sincerely bummed to have to get back in the kitchen after only 7 months of traveling. After being an unproductive, depressed, baby for a week- I decided I needed to use my time in Milwaukee to really be productive in my visual arts practice, especially since it was so difficult to keep up with when traveling constantly (asides from photography). I was living in my girlfriend Chassy's apartment in Riverwest, and via CRAIGSLIST (of course!!), I found that there was an open call for artists that was happening at the "Pritzlaff Building," a wonderful warehouse space that had been known to often times host art shows. They were looking for artists to show in their next exhibitions, and mentioned it could be an on going opportunity. I studied the rhetoric of the Craigslist Posting many times (a skill that has strangely, really gotten me allot of opportunities), and after determining that the general demeanor of the post was reflective of a prominent opportunity, and of a clearly professional nature, I immediately began a strategized (seriously spell-check? that's not a word either?! I'm done living by your rules) a STRATEGIZED review of photos, resume's, bio's, and artists statements, in order to put together a comprehensive artist's packet that I could be confident in.
I showed up looking quite suave, and buried any nervousness I had, deep into my suddenly rigid posture. I was ready to impress, and prepared to throw down- but I had no idea for what I was really in for. I was about to meet one of two characters that would have an immense impact on my time in Milwaukee, and I suspect, my story over-all. "MAYOR KEN," and "PONOS OF THE NORTH," A.K.A. Aaron, will have extensive character profiles that are coming soon, but in the meantime, I will assure you with honesty that their role in this brief outline is tragically understated.
I entered the Pritzlaff building, and met Mayor Ken, who was more than cordial. We talked avidly about my portfolio, and began to touch briefly on our diverse backgrounds. He was completely excited about all of my works, and especially appreciated the importance I put in the process and concept of my work. I was spinning with excitement to see that someone was actually showing interest in some of my more "gallery challenging" conceptual work, and was interested in showing diverse mediums such as video installation, or performance art as well. As we got to talking and feeding off of each others energy, I mentioned my restaurant job that would be starting in a few days. Ken, having come to Milwaukee after completing his culinary degree in NYC- was quite understanding of the dilemma between my studio practice, and the enduring hours of the restaurant business.
To make a long story short, Ken expanded on all of the things they had going on recently with their gallery, as well as their design firm, "iNViDiA Design," and I quickly began to express an interest in contributing my efforts to both aspects of their partnership. Ken said he would talk to his partner, and call me back the next day, and the next thing I heard from them, was that they wanted to meet me for lunch to discuss some options. Although this whole process wasn't so cut and dry- they decided to hire me for both of their endeavors, and brought me in on ground level of their business. I found a position with them that expanded my horizons personally, professionally, and artistically, and it turned out that leaving Milwaukee would be much harder than I thought.
In my short time here, I landed a job in a design firm, got to organize art shows, showed in several venues with all sorts of new work that I made, including a few paintings, sculptures, a video installation, and a 2 minute short that screened at the "FIRESTARTER FILM FESTIVAL!" I tried out for a commercial for Pottawatomie Casino, landed the role, AND made 400 bucks out of it, I successfully SOLD a piece of art (my work is generally, quite unappealing to the art collector, so that was a small victory), I wrote 2 comprehensive proposals that were BOTH accepted- one for "The 2010 Milwaukee Performance Art Showcase," a performance piece I am VERY excited about, AND, one for the first actual implementation of "The Cell Phone Photo Gallery," my very first debut in the role of curator, and within a self constructed/designed gallery layout...
Within this entirely massive mess of productivity, I didn't end up writing a damn thing though- I am just now, FINALLY getting back in touch with the initial beginning's of the in process manuscript for the novel, and my initial winter efforts to get some sort of writing job where I could make some money while traveling, are at this point, completely abandoned. Oh, AND I got myself a ticket for "Public Indecency," because I peed in the alley when I was drunk. In the end, I couldn't do it all, but I am more than pleased with what I did accomplish here in my brief Milwaukee stay.
You'll be happy to know, that I did manage to photograph the shit out of just about everything along the way, so here are some random pics that I pulled out from my wonderful time here in Milwaukee. Thanks so much to everyone who has been supportive of my efforts, and F it, to those who haven't as well- I feel like the happiest person in the world, and I can't wait to head West this Tuesday. I will be trying to keep up with a 3 times a week pace on the blog, maybe even more.
Keep following, and I will begin filling in ASAP on some of the MANY stresses that are coming along with our latest departure, our newest crew of 3, and our new home, the Le Sabre. Me and B.O. are hip to the difficulties of doing this by now, but it should be worth following how the ever so cute Chastaine Tallon adapts to life on the road. Enjoy the pics, and keep checking back with me!
Until We Meet Again...
Joseph R. Reeves
PLEASE take the single minute to click on the FOLLOW option on the top right of the page, it means allot to know who's listening- NOT the facebook one, the OTHER one :)

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