So finally, it is time for me and B.O. to depart for an entirely different portion of THE LAST GREAT american JOURNEY! We arranged a rideshare on CRAIGSLIST (of course) and should be able to get from Fayetteville NC, all the way down 95 to Daytona Beach. From there, we will be backpacking from the E.Coast shores of Daytona, to the W.Gulf Coast, and will then be backpacking down the Gulf shoreline of N. Florida-ish, down to S.Florida until we reach Ft. Meyers, where Brian has us lined up to work for his buddy for a few weeks doing DEMOLITION! As if our backs wont be sore enough from carrying our massive setups eh?
This truley could not have been done so well without our brother marine, Mark Olsen who hooked us up with REDICULOUSlY nice boots, backpacks, canteens, knives, M.R.E's (Meal Ready to Eat), along with hosting me and Brian the past few weeks and giving us tons of pointers and tips that we badly needed.
I will try to post the next time I have a chance, and Im not exactly when that will be, but it might be sooner than you think. i've been known to be pretty shameless about freaking out those starbucks folks, and stealing their internet. Hopefully soon though, I have tons of pics, and as we have been moving around more, TONS of new and interesting Characters to add to what will eventually be quite the archive. Til then, we will be backpacking and hitchhiking our way across sunny florida, to collect more and more stories for what is really starting to feel like THE LAST GREAT american JOURNEY!
Until We meet again...
Joseph R. Reeves
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