

To find, persue, and re-define the american dream;
to question what america is, what america should be, and what it means exactly to be an american;
to find greater meaning within ourselves, each other, and our persuits in life;
to find happiness, beauty, and satisfaction in life without material attachment;
to define, develop, and consider our spiritual, philosophical, political, and sociological viewpoints;
to disregard expectations, standards, normality, authority, maturity, doubt, fear, and greed;

AND OF COURSE- to see everything, and say YES to as many new and exhilerating experiences as humanly possible- even if they may be dangerous and/or painful.

We refuse to settle down, compromise, or relax- we ARE going to live the life that we want to live, period.

Dreaming IS succeeding, and will be defined as the conception of goals we are soon to achieve.

We will remain young-minded, young-hearted, foolish, stubborn, and wrong. Although we will respect and learn from our elders, we denounce "wisdom," as a prophetic trait, and believe that ANYONE any age that has the "answers," has really only grown tired of thinking of questions.

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