(SIGH) this day is a tough one for your auther here, I really have a lot of love for our fair city of Milwaukee- AND of course, me and Dylan being the way we are and all, have a tremendous J.U.I.C.E. list we must tend to before we split. For those of you unfamilliar with the term JUICE, it is an acronym for Join Us In Creating Excellence, but I will spare you the story and meaning behind the JUICE program for the moment, as there is a sense of urgency in my typing here at 5:00 AM. Shit- is it that late? or early? dammitall.
I am currently surrounded by enormous 4'X 4'paintings of hardcore sex- and if that isn't bad enough, they ARENT EVEN HALF DONE and need to be done before we leave tomorrow (today). I haven't put a thought to packing, I still need to brew 10 more gallons of Apfelvein (hooch), pick up Dylan to take a load of garbage to the dump, learn how to break down and set up the pop-up, Get the rest of my shit outta Chassy's place... Fuck. I know theres other things too...
Well, I better get going on these paintings- to be on the optomistic side, Dylan told his Mom about the trip- which is VERY good news- and the first 5 gallons of Apfelvein seem to be fermenting properly. I will keep you posted with recipes!
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