Poor Brian is sick of this detailing business, and me and Dylan are trying to make ourselves usefull by giving him a hand when we can. Along with getting rid of our assets (We've had some bites on a few CRAIGSLIST POSTS), Me and D-Money are also researching free campsites (www.freecampsites.org), and BADLY need to make some decisions about what we DO and DO NOT need on our trip. With a 4th adventurer added to the mix, BYRON WILSON- it is even more crucial that we minimize our possessions and get rid of some of the unneeded clutter in our camper. I have put up postings on CRAIGSLIST for misc. labor jobs in N. Carolina, so maybe we can have some work set up for us when we arrive around NOV.1st. CRAIGSLIST culture has really been a great means of finding things out. Still no luck selling the vehicle though...
The other main complaint, has been consistant hygiene! It's easy enough to brush your teeth (gas stations, restrooms, B.O's work) but in our first 5 days or so, we have only had 1 shower! Brian is really living up to his nick-name, and Im beginning to look like a mountain man as well. We need to acquire a small mirror so I can at least shave.
Food has been grilled, sandwich stuff, or canned- a marvelous game has been made of seeing who can grab the most ketchup, mayo, or misc. condiments from wherever we go. You gotta do what you gotta do right?
My writing has been inconsistant at best, but as opposed to focusing on solid writing works, I find that I have been making alot of notes about thoughts and experiences so I will be able to remember everything going on, and write from those recollections. I cannot let my creative projects compromise the value of my experiences, so sometimes quick documentation is the best I can do. I havent had any time for visual arts either, which I miss along with everyone in Mil-Town!
Everything has been very enjoyable though, and we have even had some time to throw out a few lines and get some fishing done. We have had no luck yet, and dispite Dylan's claims of our little lake being fish-less- I still have some faith. Until we meet again...
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