So, Since I have left Riverwest, and all my friends in the city of brew, I have forced myself into a (much needed) week of productivity. Living with my folks is actually not too bad, and whatever money I DO come up with, I don't have to spend. I got up at 8 am every day this last week, and as a result, I fully restored the Pop-Up Camper to a nearly immaculate state. It was ready to sell with a few days of solid work, and just yesterday, I got $700.00 cash for it! I spent a good 10 hours sewing a huge rip in the canvas, and I fixed what WAS a pretty severe problem having to do with the inside seal. In spending some time cleaning the thing up and working on it, I really have to say it is kind of sad to see it go. A lot of memories in a very short amount of time took place in that camper. I hope the family that bought it, enjoys it and gets all the worth it has in it. R.I.P camper!
My Truck is in the shop right now, and will be out by tomorrow with its power steering up to par. My question right now, is if I am going to sell the truck here in Milwaukee, or if I should use the truck to get somewhere first, and then sell it there. I am 50/50 on the option, because I dont really wanna pay to get to North Carolina, the destination I have set before heading down to the islands in South Texas. I am doing this, because I have decided I need to be able to travel with everything on my back. I havent the slightest idea how to prepare for that properly, so I will be spending a good week with my long time best friend, brother, and marine- MARK OLSEN. He will be helping me equip myself properly, and will help me out with a few neccesarry supplies.
I have been pretty productive in my writing, although it is coming along slowly. Not ready to post something for you yet- but soon, I promise. I've been reading a bunch of Kurt Vonnegut and J.D. Salinger, and it has got me going both creatively and in motivation for my travel. I cant even believe it, but I will be able to leave here between 5 and 10 days. wow.
Ive been lagging on my postings, due to my previous lack of motivation, and conflicts in my decisions. I should be keeping up a little better now though, so keep up with me, and I'll keep up with you. The next word I will have for you, is about what Im doing with the truck, stay tuned! Until we meet again...
Joseph R. Reeves Esq.
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